This section contains 799 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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The Snow in Chelm Summary
The town of Chelm is a town of fools, and everyone who lives in Chelm is a fool. One night in Chelm, a person saw the reflection of the moon in a barrel of water. The town Elders decided the moon must have fallen into the water, so they had the barrel nailed shut so the moon could not escape. In the morning, when they opened the barrel, the moon was gone. The Elders called the police and reported the crime, but the moon was never found.
The Seven Elders of Chelm are the greatest fools in the town, and in a town of fools, the greatest fools are the rulers. Chelm is in need of money to pay her debts. On one Hanukkah evening, the snow falls and covers the ground of Chelm. Gronam the Great...
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This section contains 799 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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