This section contains 703 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Section four begins in late fall 1944. The children help the adults carry coal up the stairs when the Nazis are not around. Syvia likes being able to help. Some of the children have gone outside. Syvia notes how happy they look, but knows it is a risk to do so. Syvia finally gets up the courage to go outside and is “blinded by the sun” (167). She enjoys the feel of the sun and grass under her feet. She sees the fruit trees Dora has told her about. The workers are not supposed to eat from the trees, but Syvia goes to the tree and picks a pear. She devours the pear and then remembers where she is. She picks another pear for Dora and runs back inside. Later Syvia gives the pear to Dora. Dora tells Syvia she should eat it and Syvia...
(read more from the Pages 165 - 186 Summary)
This section contains 703 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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