This section contains 389 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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Berlin, Germany
Berlin is the capital of Germany, and is where Hitler runs his Nazi empire. It is where the von Ulrich family lives, where the William family visits, and is invaded by and captured by Soviet troops. It is later divided into quadrants, and the site of an airlift operation by the United States and Great Britain.
Buffalo, New York
Buffalo, New York, is the home of Daisy Peshkov and her family, as well as many other prominent Americans in the novel. It is a beautiful, quiet place to live, and it is also the scene of a workers strike at the metal plant owned by Les Peshkov.
Spain is a country engaged in a civil war between Franco's Fascist rebel forces, and the democratic government. Hitler supports the rebels, while many others, such as Lloyd, go to fight on the government's behalf. During the war...
This section contains 389 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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