This section contains 308 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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Book 1: Chapter 7, How I Reached Home Summary
The author runs from the common and the reach of the Martian's heat-ray. Exhausted and afraid, he runs until he can run no longer. Staggering, he makes his way back home and runs into a group of people, asking them if they have heard any new news from the common. The group of people seems to think too much fuss has been made about the cylinder, but. they have not heard about the heat-ray and the deaths.
He makes it back home to his wife. After telling her his story, she becomes very afraid. He assures her that Martian's move very slowly so they are in no danger. He wonders out loud if the Martian's are as frightened of humans as the humans are frightened of them. Perhaps they had not expected Earth...
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This section contains 308 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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