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Final Call Summary
This poem is a cry for help from the champions of justice and freedom. Hughes calls for the Pied Piper, Robin Hood, a fairy queen, King Arthur, Moses, Jesus, Dreyfus, the blues singer Blind Lemon, Robespierre, Lumumba, Lafayette, Denmark Vesey, Cinque, John Brown, Lenin, Trotsky, Uncle Tom, Lincoln, Grant, Frederick Douglass, Garrison, Beecher, Lowell, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Marcus Garvey, Sufi, Father Divine, DuBois, Malcolm, Stokely, and Adam Powell. At the end, Hughes returns to the Pied Pieper, and asks that he be sent to pipe our rats away. He ends with a parenthetical saying that if nobody comes, he himself should be sent for.
Final Call Analysis
This poem may appear to be a list of names but the community of love and struggle that the list represents and the poem canonizes creates an extremely moving experience for the reader...
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This section contains 196 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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