This section contains 813 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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You can’t discount her. She’s a fighter and she’s got talent. She’s hungry, I can feel it.
-- Coach Gary
(Chapter 4)
Importance: Coach Gary goes to the Steckler house to give Stella a pep talk. He uses her fears of being beaten by her sister, Ellie, to inspire her to run quicker. This quote is important because it demonstrates how destructive competitive sports can be for young girls.
I try to cut them slack like Ellie does, but it’s almost impossible. When they do something—anything—that reminds me of the Dark Years, it’s like my brain short-circuits and I’m five years old again, shielding Ellie from the clanking of Mom’s empty bottles and Dad’s frantic gaze.
-- Stella
(Chapter 5)
Importance: During the Steckler sister's childhood, their mother had a problem with alcohol and entered rehab several times. This quote is important because it shows the lasting trauma her mother's...
This section contains 813 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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