This section contains 790 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Saint Julian and all Souls, Year 25 Of the Fragility of the Universe, Spoken by Adam One:
There are now few left on the Edencliff Rooftop Garden. This is because the Gardeners have the plague. Adam One reminds those still alive that the souls of all creatures live forever. With their deaths, they witness the end of a species. The Waterless Flood is a plague that only affects humans. The Earth was unharmed, but humanity was demolished. It is not the Gardeners fate to be a part of the new world. He ends with a prayer for All Souls and asks for forgiveness in death.
The Earth Forgives:
From the God’s Gardeners Oral Hymnbook. This final poem serves as both prayer and epitaph to the Gardeners. It is about how time heals all wounds and the Earth will eventually offer...
(read more from the Saint Julian and All Souls Summary)
This section contains 790 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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