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In Part 4, “Music Making,” Chapter 14, “Debut, 11 Months Ago,” Ray played his “debut performance as a soloist” (141). After rehearsal, Ray returned home to change (144). On the mat, Ray found “a slim white business envelope” (144). Inside was a letter from Andrea Marks, insisting Ray’s violin belonged to her family. Ray dismissed the note, as “he’d gotten several dozen letters claiming ownership” since discovering his violin was a Strad (145).
Despite several obstacles during Ray’s performance, he played well. After the show, he was surprised to see his mother had attended. Because she had asked him about money, that night, he “transferred $1,200 into her account” to share with her siblings (150). He promised to pay them more as he earned more from performing. Throughout the remainder of his time in Charlotte, Ray encountered more adversity. Whenever someone undermined him, he told himself he had to "Play...
(read more from the Part 4 Summary)
This section contains 1,600 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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