This section contains 1,345 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
In Chapter 25, Jack marveled at the crops when he walked his land. He knew he owed Garrett and Esther for the work they’d done. He also knew Mabel was in part responsible for the flourishing crops. He hated the idea of her working as a farmhand but knew she felt like she was more involved in the homestead than she ever had been.
One day during a walk through the crops Jack thanked Garrett for what he’d done. Garrett had matured since he’d been with Jack and Mabel. Jack believed the boy had to get away from his brothers in order to really grow up. As they walked Garret saw a fox. He loaded his gun and got ready to shoot it but Jack asked him not to do so. Garrett seemed irritated but didn’t shoot the fox...
(read more from the Part 2: Chapters 25-28 Summary)
This section contains 1,345 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |