This section contains 566 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Beyond Time, Section 1, pp. 76-94 Summary and Analysis
Frederick goes to Princeton University. The War has cast a frantic, manic feeling over college campuses, and everyone parties intensely, not knowing what tomorrow might bring. In the laughter of the young people is a kind of desperation, fearing that they might be dead soon. Freddy tries taking German, thinking he might get a job as a spy, but he is terrible at speaking it, despite his efforts to cheat. When he realizes how much debt he is in, Freddy gets a job waiting tables, but he hates his job, feeling that it is demeaning, and he is not able to make enough money to pay off his debt. He decides to go visit his successful uncle in New York and ask him for money. The uncle laughs when he finds out why...
(read more from the Beyond Time, Section 1, pp. 76-94 Summary)
This section contains 566 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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