This section contains 1,215 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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The four men continue on the tour. Flower shows them his collection of rather mundane items, each of which happened to have been owned by an important historical figure at one time. Flower says that on a recent trip to Ireland, they saw the ruins of a fifteenth-century castle and decided to purchase it. They had it disassembled and shipped to their estate. Flower says that there were over 10,000 stones in all. The stones now sit on the grounds of their estate. They plan to have the stones assembled into “a monument in the shape of a wall” (86). The four men then go downstairs. After they have dinner, Stone, Flower, and Jack begin their poker game with Nashe watching. Nashe gives Stone and Flower the $10,000 for Jack to buy into the game. Stone and Flower play very well, but Jack eventually has a...
(read more from the Pages 82 - 125 Summary)
This section contains 1,215 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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