This section contains 318 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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Las Penas
Las Penas is where Amadeo and his family live. The town is small and there is nothing to attract people from outside. The hermandad is a traditional part of the town, and is housed in an old gas station. Las Penas is about two hours from Santa Fe and Yolanda makes that drive each day.
The Padilla House
The Padilla house is the stucco house Yolanda owns that is also home to Amadeo and Angel during the events of this novel. The house has three bedrooms. Yolanda remembers the excitement she felt as her husband, Anthony, began building it. There are many minor details about the house, including that rose bushes grow outside the front door.
Las Vegas
Yolanda is in Las Vegas with her boyfriend when she is diagnosed with the brain tumor. They are staying in a motor home park there and are enjoying time...
This section contains 318 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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