This section contains 1,814 words (approx. 5 pages at 400 words per page) |
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He contrived three jewels (Silmarils) wherein a living fire combined of the light of the Two Trees was set, they shone of their own light, impure hands were burned by them.
-- Narrator
Importance: This quote shows the creation of the Silmarils which become incredibly important and powerful jewels in Middle-earth. While they spend much of this novel with Morgoth as he endures the pain of eternal burning to keep on in his crown, they do eventually return to the people of Middle-earth. Not only do the SIlmarils act as catalysts for Morgoth’s war on the Gnomes and Valar, but it is prophesied at the end of the book that they will also be his downfall, as Eärendel is later given one by the Valar and will one day use it to defeat him.
A curse is pronounced upon the Gnomes, that they shall after suffer often from treachery and the...
-- Narrator
This section contains 1,814 words (approx. 5 pages at 400 words per page) |
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