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After Ulmo gives Tuor some knowledge that Tour does not understand, Ulmo leaves in a mist. Tuor heads inland where the Noldoli find him and travel to the land of the Goblins and Balrogs, ruled by Melko. The Noldoli sneak Tuor in and leave. Melko’s spies learn that Tuor is looking for Gondothlim which they have not found yet. One Gnome named Voronwë promises to travel with tuor to Gondothlim. The narrator explains that the Noldoli escaped to Gondothlim after Melko attacked during the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. After a few days, Tuor and Voronwë find a great door that can only be seen by Gnomes, meaning Tuor could not have found it alone.
Tuor and Voronwë travel through the tunnels and are forced to run when they hear Goblins and Orcs behind them. Soon, they escape and find a city on...
(read more from the Pages 47 - 60 Summary)
This section contains 1,438 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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