The Echo Maker Quiz

Richard Powers
This Study Guide consists of approximately 68 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Echo Maker.

The Echo Maker Quiz

Richard Powers
This Study Guide consists of approximately 68 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Echo Maker.

Take our free The Echo Maker quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test your knowledge. Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. Take the free quiz now!

Directions: Click on the correct answer.

Questions 1-5 of 25:


What is the name of the book that Mark gives to Dr. Weber? (from There is an animal perpendicular to all others)


What is a young crane called? (from What does a bird remember?)


What is the name of Mark's dog? (from They ask Mark Schluter who he thinks he's supposed to be - Karin dragged Daniel out to North Line Road)


What is the geographic location of the story? (from Cranes keep landing as night falls - Rises up in flooded fields)


What one thing will birds always seek out? (from What does a bird remember?)

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