This section contains 1,431 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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In chapter eleven, Liam rouses and checks first to see that Chubs and Suzume are alright before asking Ruby what happened. She says Suzume crashed one of the cars into the other, knocking one of the men unconscious and sending the other one running away. Lee has never heard the White Noise before and Ruby explains that it’s purpose is to keep the children from using their powers. Adults cannot hear it. Liam wants to know why Ruby was less impacted and Ruby assumes it’s because Liam and the other had not been subjected to it before while she had heard it often.
They find a rest area and pull over to regroup. Chubs tends to Ruby’s scraped hands and knees. Ruby reveals that she’d seen a badge and a device that was used at Thurmond, meaning the men...
(read more from the Chapters 11 - 12 Summary)
This section contains 1,431 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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