This section contains 804 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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I don't want to see you or any of your relatives ever again!
-- Doctor Keene
(chapter 1)
Importance: On the morning of Benjamin's birth, Roger rushes to the hospital, excited to meet his new baby. However, he soon encounters Doctor Keene outside the building, and is met with unkindness and cruelty. Doctor Keene's cutting manner and words not only infuse the narrative with tension and suspense, but upset Roger, and alter his demeanor. Doctor Keene's words also introduce the author's thematic interests in shame and reputation.
What will people say? What must I do?
-- Roger
(chapter 1)
Importance: Shortly after meeting his elderly-looking infant son for the first time, Roger is also overcome by shame and despair. He is not worried about the circumstances surrounding his son's birth, nor his well-being. Instead, Roger's embarrassment and fear are inspired by selfishness. This moment furthers the author's explorations relating to shame and interpersonal relationships, while also introducing Roger and Benjamin's fraught...
This section contains 804 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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