This section contains 1,695 words (approx. 5 pages at 400 words per page) |
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The most fundamental function of this memoir is to understand the array of influences Sattouf had during his childhood and how those affected the person he has become today. All of these influences impact Sattouf differently and affect how he sees himself. This is critical for the formation of his identity. The key elements to consider are nationalism, religion, family structure, language, and belief systems. While many children grow up with one predominant influence or system in each of these categories, Sattouf's memoir is interesting because there are multiples of each of these categories.
Satouf's complex and multifaceted identity allows every element to be analyzed independently and in relation to a variant. For example, we can analyze the influences of Islam on Sattouf in a vacuum, or be can compare it to the Christian influences he experiences in different places. As we see Riad's identity forming and analyze...
This section contains 1,695 words (approx. 5 pages at 400 words per page) |
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