This section contains 594 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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France is a country in Western Europe. The accent color for panels that take place in France is blue. France is where Riad's parents met, and where Riad was born. Throughout the work France seems to be home for Riad, and he returns there between any extended periods in other countries. French is Riad's and his mother's primary language and it is where they seem most comfortable. France represents the larger western world to Riad and is thus his bench mark when he compares life in Libya and Syria.
Libya is a country in North Africa. The accent color for panels that take place in Libya is yellow. Libya is the only place where Riad's family lives where none of the family members have members have lived previously. While Riad's family is living in Libya the government is controlled by Muammar Gaddafi, a revolutionist dictator. Riad...
This section contains 594 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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