This section contains 1,295 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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In chapter eighteen, Will and Layla prepare to go to Cheryl's house the following morning. Caroline and Ryan have been promised a rental care and plan to spend the morning on their own. Will is overly nervous and tells Layla he fears he is becoming like Gregory. He says he worries that Cheryl will give him a description that sounds just like Will. They follow the GPS to the address, a very rural but pretty farmhouse. A young woman Layla correctly guesses is Cheryl's daughter greets them. Will introduces himself and Cheryl's reaction is warm. She invites them in and offers refreshments. Layla introduces herself and Cheryl says she already knows who they are. She reveals that she met Gregory Meyer and saw Will and Layla the day they met. Cheryl says her mother has kept everything about Gregory a secret but Cheryl...
(read more from the Chapters 18 through 21 Summary)
This section contains 1,295 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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