This section contains 210 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
The Lion Summary
In lines 1-6, the lion is a great, posturing predator; terrifying, out for blood.
In lines 7-13, the lion finds only solitude, only air and foam upon which to chew or unacceptable nourishment.
In lines 14-20, the lion's mouth is nothing but empty, his claws are idle, and his tail is as fierce as a feather duster.
In lines 21-28, the lion becomes aware of its foolishness in time. He realizes that his ferocious appearance is absurd and unnecessary. Since the lion is timid underneath, he displays even worse and more embarrassing shows of arrogance.
In lines 29-35, fiinally, the lion turns into a garden ornament, hiding his head, keeping still and waiting for the "grey justice of stone, its geological hour."
The Lion Analysis
The lion is a metaphor for the arrogance and fierceness we feel in our youth. We...
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This section contains 210 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |