This section contains 418 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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"He did think she had died, lying there looking up with eyes that held nothing at all. Then her body convulsed and she screamed. He struggled with her, lifting her to the bed again.:
p. 14
"The child had come awake again and begun to squall. He entered a stand of cottonwoods where the ground held moss of a fiery nitric green and which he prodded with his foot for a moment and then laid the child upon."
p. 16
"Don't take in no strangers while I'm gone.
She sighed deeply. They ain't a soul in this world but what is a stranger to me, she said."
p. 29
"I just thought maybe if you was to show me where as I could see it. . .and maybe put some flowers or somethin. . .
Flowers, he said. It ain't even got a name.
We could give it one.
It's dead, he said. You...
This section contains 418 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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