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Cereal, Doughs, and Batters Summary and Analysis
There are three basic elements of dough, which contains more flour than water, and of batter, which is opposite. Those are water, gluten proteins and starch granules. Gluten is mainly proteins and is the cause of the gum-like, elasticity of dough. Starch granules, on the other hand, hold onto their surfaces, make up more than half the volume of dough and tenderize the gluten.
There are several types of wheat, the most common grain used in breads. Yeast is used to make bread lighter. Yeast, a fungi, uses the sugars in dough for energy and produces carbon dioxide and alcohol as a by product. This gas inflates the dough, as well as strengthens the gluten and improves elasticity.
Batters are different than dough because they are fluid and contain more water. The water disperses the...
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This section contains 275 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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