This section contains 384 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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The story is told from the first person narrative point of view, which means that the reader understands the story's plot line and thoughts and emotions from the perspective of the main character, Chicha. In this particular case, it is almost as if Chicha is a sage providing wisdom about what she encounters because she is an African woman who has left her village in Ghana to become westernized and educated. This position elevates her in the eyes of the villagers, so the reader also gets a deeper view of the plot as opposed to a simple re-telling of the facts.
Chicha has selected Kwesi as her favorite student and is devastated at his death, not only because of his young age, but also for the loss of promise and potential he had and the illustrious life he could have lived away from the village...
(read more from the Analysis Summary)
This section contains 384 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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