This section contains 862 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Chapter 10, The Meadow Summary
Jacob does not call or answer any of Bella's calls, even long after he should have been better. Bella calls and receives short, evasive answers from Billy. Charlie cannot get much out of Billy, either, so he calls Harry Clearwater to find out what he might know. After talking to Harry for a while, Charlie tells Bella that Harry had been in the hospital having his heart checked. He also says that Jacob might have mono. Bella looks up mono on the Internet and discovers that it can last up to a month. She is not sure she can stay away from Jacob for a whole month and decides to visit him on one week. Besides, Bella reasons, mono isn't contagious. She doesn't understand why Billy is so secretive. She spends the week alone and nervous. Alone, she has...
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This section contains 862 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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