This section contains 660 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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The next morning, Farley once again returns to the site of the den, but this time sees no sign of the wolves whatsoever. He watches the area through a telescope until two in the afternoon, and he is discouraged enough by then to give up his place of concealment to relieve himself. He is stunned to discover the pair of wolves sitting twenty yards directly behind him, relaxed and almost bored looking. Somewhat indignant, he shoos them away,. Startled, they trot off without looking back. Thinking on the events later that evening, Farley is confused about just who is watching whom. The next day, he returns to the area he’d thought was their den by canoe and almost walks past it when a series of squeaks commands his attention. One pup catches Farley’s scent and comes out to investigate...
(read more from the Chapter 7: The Watcher Watched Summary)
This section contains 660 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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