This section contains 216 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
El Paso
This is the city in Texas is where Henry and Leila first meet.
New York City
All of the action of the novel takes place in or around this large city.
Glimmer & Company
This is the name of the company Henry works for. Although the employees say the company supplies lighting to military bases, the company really gathers intelligence for anyone who can pay.
This is a type of money club. Members make regular contributions and on a rotating schedule, each member receives the money.
Ardsley, New York
This affluent suburb is where Henry's father buys a house.
JFK International Airport
This major international airport is where many people traveling to or arriving from international destinations leave and enter New York City.
This location is a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Queens. It is where Kwang's offices are located.
Staten Island Ferry
This section contains 216 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |