This section contains 571 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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The book is written in first person from Kody's point of view. While it's an acceptable perspective and works well for this story, there are also points that seem to be purposefully omitted. That's not necessarily a problem, though some readers may be distracted by the method in which some information is offered. For example, Kody says merely that by a certain point in time, he and Tamu have had a second child. There is no real discussion of where their relationship stands, where he was when the child was born, or whether it was a planned pregnancy considering Kody's standing in the gang activity at that time. The fact that Kody's life is occurring through this book makes it easy to forget that the true story is about Kody's gang affiliation and his eventual ability to make changes in his life.
The story is written in...
This section contains 571 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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