This section contains 282 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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Afterword, Summary and Analysis
"The Future Lies Ahead - and What to Do about Them" admits Lies My Teacher Told Me is incomplete in its criticism, but expanding it is no solution. Instead, truth must receive "mythic significance" and someone must intervene at some point in the publishing and teaching monolith. Teachers can introduce fewer topics and treat each more fully so students can see that history is not just about answers. Resources exist so teachers need not be experts. Projects such as oral histories and researching local place names and historical markers expand the scope of history, and excite and empower students. Raising questions leads students to important issues and examining sources to back up their opinions. Teaching backwards from the present can grip students' attention and challenge them to discuss what in the past causes current conditions. Anything that puts students in touch...
(read more from the Afterword, Summary)
This section contains 282 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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