Tan Yunxian, the protagonist of Lady Tan's Circle of Women, emerges as a resilient and determined character whose journey epitomizes the struggles and triumphs of women in Ming Dynasty China. From the outset, Yunxian is depicted as a young woman with a thirst for knowledge and a strong sense of empathy. Despite the societal constraints imposed upon her gender and social status, she exhibits a fierce independence and refuses to conform to traditional expectations. This defiance is evident in her pursuit of medicine, a field dominated by men, and her unwavering commitment to helping others, regardless of the risks involved.
Throughout the novel, Yunxian's character undergoes significant growth and transformation as she navigates the complexities of her personal and professional life. Her experiences shape her into a formidable healer and advocate for women's health, challenging the patriarchal norms that seek to limit her agency. Despite facing numerous...