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Ahmida, Ali Abdulolatif, ed., Beyond Colonialism and Nationalism in the Maghrib: History, Culture, and Politics, Palgrave, 2000.
Ahmida provides a collection of critical essays by various authors on the history, culture, and politics of North Africa and Egypt in the nineteenth century.
Barnes, David S., The Making of a Social Disease: Tuberculosis in Nineteenth-Century France, University of California Press, 1995.
Barnes offers a cultural, medical, and socioeconomic history of tuberculosis in France during the nineteenth century.
Benjamin, Roger, Orientalist Aesthetics: Art, Colonialism and French North Africa, 1880—1930, University of California Press, 2003.
Benjamin discusses the influence of North African culture on French art during the period of the French colonial occupation.
Fryer, Jonathan, André & Oscar: Gide, Wilde, and the Gay Art of Living, Constable, 1997.
Fryer examines the friendship between André Gide and Oscar Wilde in terms of homosexual identity and lifestyles during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth...
This section contains 221 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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