This section contains 1,632 words (approx. 5 pages at 400 words per page) |
This section begins with white page with an apple eaten down to its core without a page number. The next page includes panels of Raina and Jane on the bus and at school, but soon realizing Michelle is not there. Raina jokes that it is “probably just puberty” (186). But Michelle is gone for the next few days. One day Mr. Abrams tells the class that Michelle is in the hospital because she had to have surgery on her intestines. All the kids immediately start asking questions while Raina’s eyes are wide. Mr. Abrams says her family has asked to keep the details private for Michelle’s confidentiality. Someone asks if it was contagious and Raina looks worried but Mr. Abrams says it was not. He says she will not be back before the end of the school year. Page 189 includes two panels...
(read more from the Pages 184 - 213 Summary)
This section contains 1,632 words (approx. 5 pages at 400 words per page) |