This section contains 277 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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Three Special Children Summary and Analysis
Three young patients stand out to Ben. Bo-Bo is a four-year-old who was hit by an ice cream truck. Pressure was building in her brain and the situation was dire. Ben sees that her eyes are dilated and has her rushed to the operating room. It was a risky situation, but days after Bo-Bo came out of surgery she came out of her coma and returned to being a happy four-year old. Another child, ten-year-old Charles, was hit by a car and was in worse shape than Bo-Bo and is a little older patient. Ben has a lot of criticism about his proposal to perform a risky craniectomy on the boy. More than the riskiness of the operation, many of the doctors feel it is a waste of time and giving the parents undue hope. Most felt...
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This section contains 277 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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