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Chapters 13 and 14 Summary and Analysis
Both Obama and Michelle were tired and frustrated. She missed her kids and Obama wanted the campaign to be over but there was at least three grueling months to go. He was getting tough, intrusive questions from the press because he was the front-runner. As bad as things were, they got worse on March 13, when ABC ran videotapes of his pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright. He disparaged the treatment of blacks and made racists remarks. He implied that America got what it deserved on 9/11. The staff panicked but Obama met the imbroglio head on, appearing on TV to repudiate the pastor's inflammatory words and counter the endless loop of the Wright tape that would be on TV all weekend.
Obama decided to make a major speech on race. It was something he had wanted to do for a while. He...
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This section contains 642 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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