This section contains 634 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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"The odd thing is that my mother's ideas were in line with some progressive notions of her times, and mine echoed the notions that were favoured in my time. This in spite of the fact that we both believed ourselves independent, and lived in backwaters that did not register such changes." (Friend of My Youth, pp. 22-23)
"My mother moving rather carelessly out of her old prison, showing options and powers I never dreamed she had, changes more than herself. She changes the bitter lump of love I have carried all this time into a phantom - something useless and uncalled for, like a phantom pregnancy." (Friend of My Youth, p. 26)
"You know that there's a whole underground system that you call 'dreams,' having nothing better to call them, and that this system is not like roads or tunnels but more like a live body network, all...
This section contains 634 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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