This section contains 272 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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Should the word "matters" in the title be read as a noun, as a verb or possibly both?
Are Nariman's "dreams" to be understood as dreams, as the author's method of providing background for the action in the novel or as something else?
To what can we attribute the change in Yezad from a non-observant person who scoffs at Coomy's religiosity to the fanatically religious person we find in the Epilogue?
There are at least three important female characters in the novel: Roxana, Coomy and Mrs. Kapur. What do they tell us about Indian society? What about the roles of other women in the story? What do the men tell us about Indian society?
Yezad changes considerably during the course of the novel. Discuss the nature of the change and to what it can be attributed.
As Roxana and Jehangir are about to leave...
This section contains 272 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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