This section contains 590 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Chapters 81 - 88 Summary
Dennis arrives at Peyna's farm house two days later. Peyna has retired from the being Judge-General and subsequently lost his house, so now he lives on a distant farm. Peyna does not want to speak to Dennis until he learns why Dennis is there . Dennis is very cold from the long walk, so Peyna orders Arlen to bring him a blanket that he knows will have to be taken from Arlen's own bed, since they have few blankets. Peyna also orders the last of the tea be made. Peyna asks Dennis about his mother and criticizes him for walking so far. Dennis reveals that he did not want his destination known. Dennis tells Peyna about following Thomas to the secret room and that Thomas accused Flagg of murder there. Dennis says that the next morning Thomas remembered nothing. Dennis returned to...
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This section contains 590 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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