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Berry, Faith, Langston Hughes: Before and Beyond Harlem, Lawrence Hill, 1983.
This biography of Hughes is written for a popular audience;
it deals with the poet's personal and family
life as well as his career as an artist.
Emanuel, James A., Langston Hughes, Twayne Publishers, 1987.
Emanuel's work provides a detailed examination of
Hughes's works from a literary rather than a sociological
perspective (which had been traditionally
used when looking at the writings of African Americans),
emphasizing the writer's variety of expression.
Jemie, Onwuchekwa, Langston Hughes: An Introduction to the Poetry, Columbia University Press, 1976.
Jemie provides an introduction to Langston Hughes's
poetry limited to his collected poems (about a third
of the author's output) with a brief glance at the prose
fiction, delineating Hughes's major themes and techniques,
especially as they relate to African-American
oral tradition.
Locke, Alain, "Youth Speaks," in Survey Graphic, Vol. 4, March 1925.
This article that...
This section contains 226 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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