This section contains 435 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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You said he was injured in the line of duty!!!”
-- The Chief
(1 )
Importance: The Chief has just arrived at the hospital and discovered Dog Man was actually hurt while drinking out of the toilet. This is an example of a homophone because the cops actually said Dog Man was hurt in the “line of doodie.”
I'm glad he has a friend like you.”
-- The Nurse Lady
(2 )
Importance: The Nurse Lady has just told the Chief that Dog Man will have to wear the cone for several days, and the Chief feels others will tease him. The Nurse Lady says she believes the Chief is the kind of friend who will protect Dog Man from the teasing. It turns out that Dog Man uses the Cone of Destiny to stop the teasing.
You just never know when an umbrella might come in handy.”
-- Lil' Petey
(4 )
Importance: Lil' Petey and 80-HD are building the Cone of Destiny, and 80-HD adds an umbrella...
This section contains 435 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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