This section contains 861 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Nature vs. Nurture—with a twist
For ages, philosophers, writers, scientists and sociologists have debated the degree to which human beings are products of their biological inheritance as opposed to their socialization. Card turns this debate upside down. Firstly, Jane originates as a being that exists in computers and communication networks but demonstrates a great deal more humanity than her Starways Congress persecutors. Yet she is not entirely human until she manages to achieve a body of her own and her adjustment to being a creature of the flesh provides a great deal of insight into just how much a human body contributes to who we are. Her temptation to inflict violence on Quara suggests that biochemistry has a way of asserting itself over cool logic. Likewise, when Jane is restored to the computer networks, she realizes that in spite of the freedom and capacity the networks offer...
This section contains 861 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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