This section contains 1,873 words (approx. 5 pages at 400 words per page) |
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In Part 3, Wilkerson describes the eight pillars of caste that she researched and compiled as she studied the castes of India, Germany, and America.
Pillar One is divine will and the laws of nature. Wilkerson notes that hierarchies are justified using sacred texts and religious beliefs. India’s ancient Hindu text says that a God Manu explained that when The One created the universe, he created the four varnas and that the highest caste was the one closest to the Gods.
The Old Testament describes Noah cursing his grandson, Canaan, and saying the lowest of slaves will be his brother. This condemnation would be cited by Americans to justify slavery.
Pillar Two is heritability. People’s place in the hierarchy must be fixed their whole lives, and passed down to their children. In India, it is the father’s caste who is passed...
(read more from the Part Three Summary)
This section contains 1,873 words (approx. 5 pages at 400 words per page) |
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