This section contains 203 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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Define euphemism and cite examples from the text that could be considered euphemisms.
Chapter 3 is a letter written by Pocha to her sister Chichi. In your estimation, why does the author use a letter to reveal narrative details?
The narrative contains several military dispatches. Explain what makes the dispatches so humorous in terms of the overall narrative.
Define irony and give examples from Chapter 10 which support your definition.
What reasons do the Army superiors give for choosing Captain Pantoja to establish the Special Service?
In what way could Captain Pantoja and the Special Service be considered a circular narrative? Include in your answer an observation of the novel's opening and closing scenes.
Discuss the ways in which the Brotherhood of the Ark and the Special Service balance one another. At which point in the story do these two very different entities overlap and what...
This section contains 203 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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