This section contains 150 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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Pick one of the novels referenced by Wouk in the story. Read that novel and compare it to The Caine Mutiny. How does the constant referencing of other novels enrich Wouk's work?
Given the environmental concerns of the late 1990s, reflect on the prescience of the following: "Willie thought it was curious that with the coming of the Americans, the once-charming tropical islands had taken on the look of vacant lots in Los Angeles."
There is a passing reference to Native American legal battles through the person of Barney Greenwald. Do some research on the legal battles of Indian tribes in America. What possible relevance does this have to the novel's theme of authority?
Discover what happened to Japanese-American citizens domestically. A good account of this experience is contained in Joy Kogawa's 1981 novel, Obasan. Why were the citizens of Japanese descent interred...
This section contains 150 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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