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Using the screenplay by (Seymour) Michael Blankfort, The Caine Mutiny was filmed by Columbia Pictures in 1954. Humphrey Bogart stars as Captain Queeg, Charles Nolte is Willis Keith, and May Wynn plays herself. The movie received seven Academy Award nominations including Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Screenplay.
Alvin Rakoff adapted Wouk's story for television as "The Caine Mutiny Court Martial," first broadcast by BBC-TV, June, 1958.
Herman Wouk adapted the novel into a staged version of the court-martial trial. Paul Gregory first produced the play in the Granada Theatre, Santa Barbara, California, on October 12, 1953. Several persons of note were in the production, including Henry Fonda as Lt. Barney Greenwald and Charles Nolte as Lt. Willis Seward Keith. In a later production of the play, James Garner made his acting debut.
This section contains 132 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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