This section contains 1,145 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Remember, your name is Moon, and if anyone asks say your hippie parents let you travel alone. This is one big adventure.
-- Angie
(Part I: The Road (3-49))
Importance: This quote from Angie speaks both to the difficulties faced by immigrants in America and to the differences between her and Hằng. While Angie is thoroughly assimilated into American culture and therefore willing to make these kinds of sacrifices in the interest of self-preservation, Hằng bristles at the notion of calling herself by another name because she remains attached to her Vietnamese upbringing.
Catch fish with two hands.
-- Bà
(Part I: The Road (3-49))
Importance: This piece of wisdom from Bà is significant because it speaks to the sense of preparedness and community that Hằng is forced to rely on in her quest to reunite with her brother. The notion of catching a fish with two hands, or having a contingency plan, speaks to the necessity of thoroughness as well as backup...
This section contains 1,145 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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