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Chapters 15, 16, and 17 Summary
After cleaning up Flory returns to the club; the Lackersteens greet him rather stiffly but he does not notice it. Earlier, a drunken Lackersteen had barged into Elizabeth's room while she was only half-dressed and made obviously sexual advances toward her. Elizabeth finds her position with the Lackersteens untenable and looks forward to Flory's proposal. She still considers him dubious in many ways, but has decided that he is handsome enough and his excellent shooting skills have settled the deal. Flory joins her and they make small chitchat; he finds her bearing intimate and accessible. They walk out onto the veranda and snuggle for a moment. He asks her if she minds his birthmark, and she says she does not. Thus reassured he will not be rejected, Flory finally kisses her. He is caught up in the emotion of the moment...
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This section contains 1,737 words (approx. 5 pages at 400 words per page) |
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