This section contains 726 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Konigsburg works the magic of this story with a very limited set of characters.
In fact, only three are even brought onto the stage for the readers to see. Claudia and Jamie occupy center stage, while Mrs. Frankweiler, the only other major character, acts as the narrator. Although he never actually appears in the story, Claudia and Jamie's grandfather, a lawyer named Saxonberg, is the intended recipient of Mrs. Frankweiler's narrative and the object of her pointed barbs—as well as, perhaps, her affections. None of the other characters— Claudia's parents, other brothers, and schoolmates—function as more than background.
Claudia's adventure springs from one of the major themes of the book. The eldest of four children, the eleven-yearold protagonist is beginning to develop a sense of herself. But when she takes a look at her family situation, she feels that no one recognizes her budding...
This section contains 726 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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