This section contains 539 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Chapter 11, Grameen in the Nineties Summary and Analysis
The military government of President Ershad is overthrown in December 1990. The following February elections result in the election of Begum Khaleda Zia. Grameen helps to mobilize its members to register to vote. The centers decide who they will support and then go to the voting booths en masse. According to Yunus's orders, the Grameen staff is not in any way supposed to influence the choices made by the members. Many Grameen members run for union council offices and win. They eradicate a political party that opposes woman's rights.
There are several events that catch Grameen off-guard. First is the forgiveness of certain loans from government banks. This does not apply to Grameen borrowers but many think that it does which creates some problems for Grameen. Another disaster is a cyclone on April 30. Many...
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This section contains 539 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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