Aztec Summary & Study Guide

Gary Jennings
This Study Guide consists of approximately 60 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Aztec.

Aztec Summary & Study Guide

Gary Jennings
This Study Guide consists of approximately 60 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Aztec.
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Aztec Summary & Study Guide Description

Aztec Summary & Study Guide includes comprehensive information and analysis to help you understand the book. This study guide contains the following sections:

This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion and a Free Quiz on Aztec by Gary Jennings.

Mixtli is brought in by the Catholic Bishop to talk about his life. There is an ongoing commentary by the Bishop while Mixtli's narrative is written down. Mixtli is born in the island city of Xaltocan. At age 7, his father brings him to the capital city of Tenochtitlan where he attracts the attention of the Cacao-colored man. Mixtli gets into an incestuous relationship with his sister Tzitzi, which has drastic consequences. He is able to go to the city of Texcoco and get a formal education. There he learns much about writing and the history of the Mexica. Mixtli is assigned by the ruler Nezahualpili, to his new wife Jadestone Doll. She pretends to be a virgin, but soon sends Mixtli to fetch her men. Mixtli finally tricks her in an elaborate plot, which also catches Pactli, son of the Governor of Xaltocan. Mixtli makes an enemy of Chimali, who seeks revenge for his dead male lover. Mixtli is exiled and he and his slave, Cozcatl go to war. Mixtli captures a knight and is declared a hero.

Mixtli receives a huge amount of wealth and leads a trading expedition. He meets a family of women of the Cloud People and has a relationship with the mother. Mixtli goes back to celebrate his success in Tenochtitlan. He then becomes upset, when he learns that his wealth comes from his sister, Tzitzi, who survived Pactli's beating as a human freak. Mixtli goes on a journey alone. He is robbed and left for dead, but saved by the two daughters of the woman of the Cloud People. Mixtli goes with one of the women, Zyanya, to get the purple dye of the Zyu people. Ahúitzotl agrees to sponsor Mixtli's wedding to Zyanya. At the wedding, Mixtli's arch-enemy, Chimáli shows up and Mixtli fights a duel with him. Mixtli has Cozcatl cut out Chimali's eyes and tongue.

Mixtli and Zyanya go on a mission to the Purempecha. Shortly after, Zyanya is pregnant and gives birth to Mixtli's daughter. Ahúitzotl decides to build another aqueduct, which causes a flood. Mixtli returns home and finds out that his wife has drowned. Mixtli again decides to go off on his travels. He returns home and Beu Ribe joins his household, but then they go to start a colony. The unhappy settlers have a religious festival, and Mixtli's daughter, Nochipa is raped and ritually murdered. Mixtli goes off wandering again, looking for the original home and route of the Mexica people. Mixtli finds the city of Aztlan and then goes to an old decaying pyramid of the Tolteca. There he meets the ruler Motecuzoma, who tells him of white men arriving. Mixtli goes to see the Spanish soldiers but is interrupted by an outbreak of deadly smallpox.

The Spaniards again land and fight battles. Cortes sends a message that he is going to march to Tenochtitlan. Cortes defeats the Texcalans and makes them his key native ally. Motecuzoma invites Cortes to the capital and soon comes totally under the control of Cortes. There is a revolt against the Spanish in Veracruz, which Motecuzoma suppresses. The other nobles in the Speaking Council make a revolt that is quickly put down. Later, when Cortes returns there is a much larger revolt and the Spanish are expelled from Tenochtitlan, with many casualties. At this point smallpox kills many native people and weakens their forces. After regrouping, Cortes besieges the capital and destroys it. Mixtli becomes a translator to Cortes until he slips away. Mixtli and his wife Beu Ribe survive doing craft work until Mixtli is summoned to make his narrative. After three years of telling about his life, Mixtli is put to death as a heretic.

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