This section contains 982 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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In Chapter 11, as the flashback continues, it shows that the next day Mother and Emmeline walked their boards and didn’t speak about the plans from the previous night. Dusk arrived, and the Gatekeeper brought their food and water. However, he only left one each for Mother and Emmeline. There was no food left for George or Father. They would later learn why. Just as it turned dark Emmeline observed the Gatekeeper speaking with Mother, who then cried out and donned a black headscarf. Overhead, Emmeline recalled, there were birds flying. Several flew overhead in a row.
The Gatekeeper approached Emmeline, handed her a black headscarf, and said there was an accident and that George and Father both died. Emmeline didn’t believe him, but before either of them could put up any fight they were relocated to the Recycle Compound. Emmeline was...
(read more from the Chapters 11 and 12 Summary)
This section contains 982 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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